
With a wide selection of Peruvian and Chilean Pisco, you'll find the right liquid for your exotic cocktails.
Hailing from Peru and Chile, Pisco is a colourless or light coloured brandy. The oldest use of the word pisco to denote Peruvian aguardiente dates from 1764.
Originally developed in the 16th century Pisco is made by distilling grape wine into a high-proof spirit, and was introduced by Spanish settlers as an alternative to orujo, which is a pomace brandy that was imported from Spain. It had the advantages of being produced from abundant domestically grown fruit and reducing the volume of alcoholic beverages transported to remote locations.
Pisco may have received its Quechua name from the Peruvian town of Pisco - once an important colonial port for the exportation of viticultural products - located on the coast of Peru in the valley of Pisco, by the river with the same name, thought there are other possible theories in regards to where the name orignates from.
Did you know?: By 2013, annual production of Pisco had reached 100 million litres in Chile and 7.2 million litres in Peru.