Estrella Damm
Estrella Damm has been brewed from a tradtional recipe since 1876.
Made using 100% natural ingredients and a pasison for excellence, means Estrella Damm is still made to the original August K. Damm 1876 recipe. Estrella Damm is brewed with 100% natural, local Mediterranean ingredients. The need to adapt to the Mediterranean palate and a warmer climate drove August K. Damm to use a local product in his recipe – rice from the Ebro Delta. Although it's not cheap, its lightness brings a more refreshing taste to the palate and an aroma that doesn't overpower the barley.
Estrella Damm has been recognised on numerous occasions with prestigious prizes awarded in Vienna 1904, London 1905, Munich 1906, Paris 1964 and at The World Beer Championship Australia 1998 and The World Beer Championship Chicago 2004.
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