Since 1965 they have been making Bacardi rum at the Bacardi & Company Limited distillery on New Providence and proud to say that BACARDI rum is the only rum produced locally in the Bahamas and that it was the first major product to be exported from the Bahamas. At the New Providence facility, they perform all phases of rum production, from fermentation and distillation to aging, blending and bottling. BACARDI & Company Limited currently exports the equivalent of seven million standard cases of rum to Europe per year. They continually invest in and improve their 61-acre New Providence facility, adding new buildings, equipment and cutting-edge technology. These improvements allow them to increase production of their high quality Bacardi products, which in turn boosts the economy of the Bahamas.
In front of the original Bacardi factory in Santiago de Cuba sits a small patch of earth where four decades ago, a 98-year-old old coconut palm once stood. The palm was not merely a decorative element - in fact, plans for the factorys expansion were altered just to accommodate the palms seniority. El Coco, as the palm continues to be referred to by the Bacardi family, has its own history. It was the subject of a correspondence between the BACARDI brothers, Facundo and Emilio. In a letter dated February 28th 1915, Facundo writes from New York to his brother Emilio in Santiago, who has previously informed him that despite the expansion of the factory, El Coco would be saved. In 1959, the Cuban totalitarian regime began to deny liberties and after 98 years of vigilance, the beloved Coconut palm began to wither and die. Sure enough, six months after its death, on October 14, 1960, the totalitarian regime illegally seized the Company and all its assets, including the small patch of green earth. No coconut palm was planted in el Cocos place as the Family fled their island nation with just the clothes on their backs. In Santiago a popular legend stated, The BacardiCompany in Cuba will survive just as long as el Coco lives. Outside of Cuba, Family members, Executives and Employees continue the BACARDI tradition of planting Coconut palms wherever there is a vacant patch of earth. While the original site in Santiago remains under totalitarian control, as does the entire island, three things are for sure: one day, hopefully not too far away, a new coconut palm will be planted in Santiago de Cuba. This palm will be planted in the same patch of green earth where Facundo Bacardi planted the coconut palm in 1862. The palm will be planted by BACARDI family members and will stand as a testament to the faithful palm, lovingly known as el Coco.


Whether it's tall and fruity or short and sour, we've got a drink for everyone. So savour the flavours of the season with a BACARDI cocktail to celebrate good times.