KWV Wines
In 1918, the year Nelson Mandela was born, South African wine farmers founded KWV with the aim of stabilising, supporting and structuring a young, struggling industry. Until the early 1990s, when world markets opened to South African wine, KWV played a central role in regulating the industry. Since then, KWV has transformed itself into a commercial player, exporting award-winning wines and brandies from its main cellar complex in Paarl all over the world.
In 1924, the KWV Act is passed in parliament and certain administrative responsibilities as well as the position of sole exporter and importer of surplus alcohol are handed to the association. 1926 saw the first brandy being produced at KWV and the first consignment of fortified wine exported to the UK.
In 1949, Roodeberg, one of KWV’s most celebrated brands, was born. Since then, they have grown in strength year by year, supplying the world with their exquisite range of wine and brandies.