Fee Brothers
The story of the Fee Brothers begins in 1863.
James Fee ran a deli/liqour store in Rochester, New York, and in time was joined by his brothrs in running the family business. Their company further developed into a winery and import business. The Fee brothers not only made many kinds of their own wine but also brought in wine from California and imported European wine. Various brands of liquor were handled there as well. Much of this was stored in wooden barrels. The story has been told of a tenant in that same building who drilled a hole through the wall and into a barrel. Then, with a long tube inserted into the barrel, his liquor supply was endless.
Over time the next generation joined the company, and today the fourth generation are in charge of the Fee Brothers company. Makers of bitters and drink mix products,the fourth generation of Fees is looking ahead with positive anticipation. The care that Fee Brothers puts into bottling their products and the concern for each and every customer's needs carries the company into the future. The Fee family takes pride in their company's history by displaying this little verse:
The House of Fee by the Genesee since eighteen hundred and sixty-three.